
Known across the globe for so many uses, from household insect repellant to Ancient Sumerian artistry, Cedarwood offers many benefits to the skin & the senses.
Cedarwood is membrane stabilizing, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic (30), cleansing & soothing to skin irritations & minor burns (31) & has calming, relaxing, confidence boosting & soothing aromatherapeutic properties (23).


30.Beyond the Bark: An Overview of the Chemistry and Biological
Activities of Selected Bark Essential Oils, Graf, M., Strappen, I., Molecules, 2022, 27(21), 7295.

31. Introducing Aromatherapy: Beginners guide to aromatic essential oils for better health, stamina, relaxation and general well-being, Second Edition, Margaret Bachmann, 1999.

23. Practical Aromatherapy: Create your own personalised beauty treatments and natural remedies using essential oils, Deborah Nixon, 1995.